четверг, 6 июня 2013 г.

The Pogrom of Jews in Lvov, 1941.

Львов - погромщик и женщины Below is a serie of photos of the Lvov pogrom of 1941. The Jewish pogrom in the city of Lvov (Lviv, Lwow, Lemberg) in Western Ukraine was organised by  Germans and "Ukrainian people's militia" (the Ukranian Nazi collaborators from so called OUN - Organisation of Ukranian Nationalists). The pogrom took place the first days of German occupation as a prelude to total extermination of  Lvov Jews.

On the photos below - the scenes of street violence, beatings by stones, sticks, humiliation of women by public undressing, the humilation in the form of washing sidewalks, marches on the knees and with hands up across the city, the scenes of brutal arrests of Jews in the streets by Ukranian Nazi militia, which escorted them to forced works in former NKVD prisons in the city. In those prisons after various beatings and humilations they were shot dead in the courtyards. The total number of victims of the pogrom estimated to be between 2 and 7 thousands people.

Beating by the sticks...

Львов июль 41 погром  (женщину бьют палками)  

Young Ukranians throw stones at Jewish woman.

 Львов Погром -дети с палками 

 The same woman...

 Женщина бежит полураздетая 

A girl with a mother or other relative beaten by the mob. 

 Львов погром -женщина и девочка 2.7.41 Краковская площадь                                         

The same couple...One of the most horrific pictures of the Lvov pogrom of 1941.  

Probably the same elderly woman from the previous 2 photos.

Львов- погром -женщина раздетая                                                                 
The humilation by forced undressing begins.

 женщина раздевается                   

                                                                                                                                                                                 Probably the same woman being undressed.

женщина голая идет                                  

Naked victim in the middle of the mob.

Женщина голая сидит                                                                                                                                                                                                   

The same woman and Ukranian pogromists nearby. 

женщина и погромщики                           

Lviv pogromists full of hate.

                                                                                                                              Голая девушка и погромщики                                                                                                                                                                      

Another humilation of woman by the mob . 
Львов - погром.Раздевают женщину 

 Two Ukraninan pogromists attacking a Jewish woman.

  Двое раздевают женщину 

One of the personelly identified pogromists  - the Nazi collaborator Ivan Kovalishin from Ukranian militia of OUN (Organisation of Ukranian nationalists). He is appearing on 2 photos of pogrom, both are the scenes of the humilation of women.  The Lviv pogrom of 1941 was a sort of carnival for some locals - look at the man in the center of the right photo.   
 Львов погром - 2 фото женщины+ полицай+ удостоверение 

Another personally identified pogromist from Ukraninan militia: Michaiel Pecharsky.    
 Львов погром -Печарский+стрелка 2 

Naked Jew sauvagely beaten.

Львов погром Раздетый еврей                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Jews are cleaning the street in the center of Lvov.  Just like in Vienna pogrom of 1938.
 Львов Погром евреи моют улицу 1.7.41                                       
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ukranian pogromists are happy this day. A Ukranian Nazi militiaman with the armband is on the right of the photo.

 Львов Погром - полицай (справа)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

The same Jew from the photo above is forced to kiss a statue of Lenin. The Nazi doctrine of Judeo-Bolshevism in action. One of the pogromists - in Ukraninan national shirt with decorative pattern ("vyshyvanka").
Львов - евреи -бюст Ленина 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                On the way to former prison of NKVD. The  German soldier doesnt try to stop a violence. Lviv pogrom of 1941 was  German-inspired Aktionen.

Евреев гонят на раскопки                 

Ukranian militiaman with the armband ans stick humilating a woman.   

Львов погром женщина с понятыми руками (яд-вашем)               

                                                                                                                                                                Another Jews on the knees.   
Львов - евреи на коленях 2                                                                                                                                                               

The Ukranian Nazi collaborators are convoying the Jews toward city prisons. 

 Львов. Погром. Улица Коперника              

The same scene in another place of the city. The Lviv pogrom of 1941 took place in many places of city in the same time. The overall plan was to take Jews to work in prisons of NKVD. The Nazi propaganda followng the doctrine of "judeo-bloshevism" blamed Jews for NKVD atrocities.

 Львов Ул. Коперника, возле тюрьмы на Лонцкого и перекрёстка с ул.Сапегов                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Jews are beaten by the mob along the road to city prisons.

. Львов Возле тюрьмы на Лонцкого  ул.Сапегов. (полицай с повязкой) 

Pogromist beating an elderly Jew.   

 Избиение еврея                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Inside the prison. The guard with the armband is the Ukranian Nazi collaborator from militia.
 Львов - погром. Полицай и евреи 

The violence continued inside the prison. 

Львов - евреи во дворе  тюрьмы 

The forcible work in prison. The exhumation of decomposing bodies of NKVD victims. No gloves on the workers.

Львов - раскопки в тюрьме 2 

Another Ukranian Nazi militiaman with the armband..

. Моментальный снимок 00-26-2 + стрелка                               

beating a Jew by a stick in a prison yard.

 Моментальный снимок 00-26 

The worst is just to come. After the day of forcible works, beatings and humilations - the mass execution in the prison. Waiting for the death...
 Евреи во дворе тюрьмы перед расстрелом (Яд Вашем ) 

The end. The Jews shot dead in the prison courtyard. This photo sometimes is looked by mistake as a victims of NKVD found in prison. But in fact this is a pogrom victims. Unlike the corpses of NKVD victims which were laid out in neat rows, those victims are piled up , the clothes are bright unlike of NKVD ones (which were shot dead 3-4 dayes ago and were dirty and grey). One of the figures in foreground of photo is wearing suspenders - it should be removed if he was a NKVD prisoneer.


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